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Its Purim Time

Celebrate during war is not easy at all!
Under the shadow of the painful losses and the absence of the kidnapped,
we felt more than ever the oppressors and their plot against the Israeli people.
The Netanya and Harish branches came together to celebrate our existence and united with the belief that we will defeat this enemy as well!
300 special children and their families, guests and volunteers arrived to the Gaya Hadera Halls to celebrate Purim 🤡 with many treats and special experiences:
Ariel Azoulai came with inflatables Gymboree and fun activities
Itzik's Market made us a delicious 😋 Purim feast 🍽
The social influencer Alex Shultz surprised the  special children and interviewed them about their experience of Purim
And Giora, Et Laasot house DJ , got us pumped up with good music and lots of dancing! 🎉
When the modern Haman (Hamas) conspired against us, we made it clear beyond any doubt:  Am Israel Chai!
