Home > Our Projects > Weekend Getaways > The Shabbat Program > Unity and Inclusion in Tene Omarim

Unity and Inclusion in Tene Omarim

The incredible community of Tene Omarim recently opened their arms and hearts to host 50 special children and volunteers for a memorable Shabbat experience! 🌈

Throughout the weekend, the community came together in a spirit of love and acceptance, creating a warm and inclusive atmosphere. Our special children and volunteers enjoyed delightful Shabbat meals, engaging social activities, and exciting games, fostering connections and lifelong memories. 💞

We want to express our deepest gratitude to the amazing community of Tene Omarim for their generosity, kindness, and unwavering support. Your compassion and dedication have created an environment where every child feels valued and cherished. Together, we are making a difference and building a more inclusive society for all. 🤝
